
Look Joel

Look, I reset my password. I can log on again.

Wow, it's been a long time. Where to start? I guess I could do a really long update and give every minute detail from the past year. I don't think so though. I'll sum it up very quickly.

Forgot password to blog.
Left kitchen job for accounting job.
Went back to school. Again.
Moved in with Kerrie.
Turned 29.
Partied with Joel at Ducky's the kereoke bar.
Bought condo with Kerrie
Got gym membership to recapture my 27-year-old figure.
Got engaged.
Spent seven months talking about and planning a wedding.
Bachelor party. Wild Turkey, Wild Turkey, Wild Turkey
Wedding outdoors beside some really big mountains
Maui. Fun - lots and lots of it.
Bought season three of Three's Company. Now have one and three. Where's two? I don't know.
Super exciting accelerated accounting course. Numbers and spreadsheets = good times.
Big 30 happened.
Snow storm. Trapped indoors watching WallE with Kerrie. They rhyme.

That's about it.