
News stuff

Michael Jackson says he’s going to quit sleeping with young boys.
I just hope he quits molesting them.

Crystal meth is the big drug in Saskatchewan. One reason behind the growing popularity of crank is the low street price.
I think drug dealers should retake their economic courses. The demand for the drug is way higher than what the cost is. A news article said the price is about $10 a point, but I bet you could raise it to $15 without any users quitting their addiction. I wouldn’t doubt you could even go higher than that.

Another suicide bomber kills another group of people in Iraq. How many suicide bombers are there? After a while, aren’t all the idiots willing to strap a bomb to their chests going to be dead.
They have to think of a better way to kill people than suicide bombings. Can’t they train dogs, use a catapult, or maybe just a drive-by shooting.
If they keep blowing themselves up, they’ll run out of ammunition eventually.

A lynching victim received an apology after 75 years.
Wow, now I can wait 75 years before I have to start saying sorry for all the deeds I’ve done. This is going to be great. Joel you only have to live for 65 more years before I apologize for all the sarcastic comments at your expense over the years.