
Spiderman has pulled a mask over our eyes.

I have always been a huge fan of Spiderman. He’s definitely in my top five superheroes of all time.
1) Superman
2) Gambit
3) Wolverine
4) Punisher
5) Spiderman
But after watching the first Spiderman movie, my thoughts started to change.
Spiderman, aka Peter Parker, is a super intelligent chemist. He took home the science award at graduation and understands the Green Goblin’s complex formulas.
Wouldn’t Peter Parker do more for mankind if he used his intelligence to cure cancer or aids?
In the comics, he invented a web shooter and a compound that was as strong as a spider’s web. Webbing didn’t just shoot out of his arms like it does in the movie.
Think about it. He can probably averages to stop one crime an hour.
His brains could probably save thousands and thousands of people a year.
Superman isn’t as smart as Spiderman, but would have a higher average of saving lives than Spiderman.
Gambit was a criminal before he joined the X-men and changed his ways. He couldn’t help the world much other than using his mutant powers for good.
The same goes for Wolverine and the Punisher.
The Punisher doesn’t have a superpower as Joel was about to point out.
He is crazy and wouldn’t be any good as a regular cop anymore. He’d be thrown off the force in no time.
He should also think about Mary Jane and Aunt May. A life in a laboratory would decrease the risk on their lives.
Spiderman is a great superhero and someone has to deal with Doctor Octopus, Venom, the Green Goblin, Kraven the Hunter, Hobgoblin, Mysterio, Electro, Carnage, Rhino and all the other villains roaming the streets of New York.
I would tell Spiderman to put on a white lab coat and leave the crime fighting to those who can’t do anything else to help the human race.