
Hero or traitor?

It only took the family three years of convincing to get Deep Throat to reveal his true identity.
I wonder if money had anything to do with their hassling?
They couldn’t let the 91-year-old guy die in peace. They had to try and squeeze a bunch of money out of it.
I wouldn’t have such a problem if the guy was younger and could actually use the money for himself, but this is about a greedy family trying to make a buck off their nearly deceased grandfather.
They’re hoping for a life on easy street because they’re related to the most famous tattle-tale alive.
Sure he helped expose a huge cover-up, but if the rules of elementary applied he would have been beat up or at least teased for a long time.
I’ve heard a lot of talk about whether or not he’s a hero or a traitor?
I think believe the former.
He did what he did out of spite. He wanted the biggest, comfiest chair at the FBI. He didn’t get it, so he snitched.
I have to say: I wouldn’t trust the guy.
I would trust Bernstien, Woodward and Bradlee who kept the secret for more than 30 years.
They managed to not answer that question for decades. They wrote a book and had a movie shot about the whole ordeal, but didn’t unmask the source.
Kudos to them. Boo to Deep Throat and family.