
Birthday Party

Well hello there, friends, family, and acquaintances! I'd like to wish my grandparents a happy birthday today. You see, due to some outrageous coincidence (or divinely-orchestrated turn, depending on your view) the two of them share the same birthday. I've always wondered what that would have been like early in the relationship.

I mean, the typical way things are done is that whoever has the birthday gets doted on for the day. Did they just dote on each other? Because I could see that getting really annoying after the first thirty minutes. It's hard to cook a really good birthday meal if somebody else is in the kitchen trying to cook a different one at the same time. And there wouldn't be any surprises. It's like, "Oh. I see you're cooking my favorite omelette. Well, here's some of your favorite potatoes."

What about friends and acquaintances that forgot they have the same birthday and only said happy birthday to one of my grandparents when they went out? That could be sort of awkward. I don't think anyone could really get over that.

And the disparity of gifts would be really glaring, too, if they weren't of the same quality. "Oh wow, thanks for another tie. I hope you like that gold ring I got you." Oh well, at least there was absolutely no excuse for Grandpa forgetting Grandma's birthday. I think.

Anyways, happy birthday to Eva and Olav/Ollie Nielsen!

P.S. And notice how in the spirit of their birthday, I didn't swear once! Grandma told me that she read my notes on Facebook the last time I visited, and I was sort of mortified. Then for some reason I started to get even naughtier in my posts. Not that one thing has anything to do with the other, but there's definitely a chronological order there. Yup.