The Baffling Mystery of the Missing Bed
A couple of the rooms of the basement I live in are vacant at the moment, barring the bare furniture inside. Whether these furnishings were provided by the landlords or just left behind by previous tenants is unknown. Typically these rooms have their doors shut, but when I came home on Sunday night*, both of their doors were wide open. I glanced in the room that's beside mine and stared at the old bed I used to sit beside on free nights while I played Grand Theft Auto III with the roommate who eventually ran off to Red Deer to nest with his girlfriend. Stupid unfaithful gaming partners.
After a busy Monday working both jobs (and suffering a huge energy crash about 9 p.m!) I resolved to spend my Tuesday racking up my achievement score on Crackdown for the XBox 360. As the prices of games rise, so too does the desire to wring every last bit of fun out of the stupid things. I was interrupted about two hours in by the landlord, who asked me to move my car so he could back a cargo trailer into the driveway. I did so, and when I went downstairs I glanced in the room besides mine again. This time, there was no bed. I put two and two together and figured they were moving some furniture, including that bed, using the cargo trailer. Little did I know that like always, my math was fundamentally flawed.
Some time later, the other landlord came down doing her obnoxious "Helloooo? Is anybody here?" bit. Not hearing anybody else chime in, I went out to see what she had to say. It turned out she was looking for one of the roommates. I was about to go back to my game when she caught a glimpse of the now-bedless neighboring room. "What?! Joel, did you know what happened to the bed?" I shrugged, and went back into my room to finish an ungodly difficult road race.
As the sun started to go down, I heard a wee little knock on my bedroom door. I opened it, and as expected, there was my landlord standing there, more agitated than usual.
"So you have no idea what happened to the bed? You didn't hear it being moved? You didn't hear anything at all?"
One of my roommates, shirtless for some reason, came over.
"You weren't here on Saturday or Sunday, Joel?" he asked.
She replied before I could get the chance."Of course he wasn't, he's never here on weekends!"
They walked away, and I figured it was a good time to take a bathroom break.
So what the hell happened? Did some scandalous rouge... rogue break in and steal what was probably the least valuable object in the entire place? Did it actually belong to the old roommate, and having found a use for the bed, did he come back and take it after bamboozling someone to let him in? Was a roommate feeling generous, and taking pity on someone less fortunate, decide to give away something that wasn't his?
I just don't know! Where's a plucky old lady who likes to knit/bake/make gourdcraft and solve mysteries when you need her? I tell you what, I tried wearing an ascot and hanging out with a stoner and his Great Dane, but I'm no closer to solving this mystery than from where I started.
*As a side note, I originally wrote "when I came on Sunday night". Umm... with so many jokes to pick from, who could pick just one?
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