
The day after

I don't know why I do it. I get drunk and then I make plans for the next day. I know I'm just going to want to lie in bed recover from a hang over. It just never seems to occur to me when I have a drink in my hand.

Yesterday was good. Drank case of beer, a bunch of rye and capped the night off with some scotch. I watched football. I played video game hockey. I shot pool. It was a great day off. It's exactly what I needed after a busy work week.

What kind of plans did I make this time while downing drink after drink. I thought it would be a good idea to help my buddy clean a hall for a birthday party. I'm nice. I'll help out when I can. This isn't hard. It's only an hour out of my day, but it was the hour from 8:30 to 9:30 in the morning. My head was hurting and my stomach was queezy. Oh well, I got a ride to where I left my car the night before. Once in my car I was off for some breakfast with a friend.

I was at the Country Cuisine at 10. I still wasn't hungry and everything on the menu wasn't sounding good. I ended up with a bagel and a bowl of fruit. We chit chatted for a while. I wasn't a very good conversationalist. I really wanted to get home for a nap. I was going on four hours of drunk sleep which doesn't amount for much.

Instead of heading to a nice warm bed and watching some football, I told another friend I'd come over and just hang out, which ended up being a couple beers and bitching about stuff, mainly work.

Finally after the afternoon was coming to a close, I got a chance to go home and grab a nap. I slept for another two hours before I was off to the arena for a hockey game. We won 5-4 and the North Stars are now 8-0 on the season. Go Stars!

Next time I go drinking, which is Wednesday. I'm not going to make so many damn plans the next day. I'm going to tell everyone that Thursday is for sleeping in and relaxing.

What's Wednesday? NHL is back, and the boys at work are having a big party. There's going to be beer, big screen and some grub. Good times. Good times.