
Falling Through Your Clothes

Okey dokey, I know that more than a few of you are spazzing out right now over our spankin' (mweh heh) new masthead image, so I'm goin' to talk you through it. The reason that's up there is because I ran a Google image search for 'dane and joel' and that's what I ended up with. Here, see for yourself! So rest assured, dear readers, I wasn't trying to offend your sensibilities, no matter where they may fall on the spectrum. Dear fellows on the right, rest assured I was not trying to force you to confront your rampant homophobia! Dear folk on the left, it was not my intention to cheapen homosexuality all for the sake of a cheap laugh! What about the tagline, you ask? Well!

... ummm...

A wizard did it. Yup.