Librarian: Quest for the Spear
Hey there, sexies; it's your Travelling Uncle Joel with another one of his Postcards from the Edge! I've been busy, busy, busy with schoolwork, so I figured it was time to introduce you all to the hell that is my world. Oh sure, it's one of the nicer varieties of hell, probably around the 3rd circle or wherever, where you get your feet tickled and your armpits poked. But it's HELL nonetheless! Here is my varied and awesome collection of classes.
INFM 104
Collection Development
Where we learn all about the swashbuckling derring-do involved in... acquiring books.
INFM 101
Introduction to Information Resources
Really, I have no idea what the hell this course is about yet. I suppose I could look it up, but that would involve bending down, taking my binder out of my bookbag, and looking through it. And that's too much damn work for one in the afternoon. So there. But I'm supposed to do a group presentation on Greek Libraries. One of one groupmates took minutes at our first group meeting.
MCSP 123
Web Development
Right, this is basic HTML so far and learning how to use FrontPage. The dumbest of all shits knows how to do this already. The only problem is we're expected to memorize the names for every damn thing in the window. I mean, everybody knows how to change the font. Or make it bold. But does anybody actually know the proper name for the buttons that do this? To make shit bold, you have to click the B. Who the fuck cares if it's called the Bold Formatting Button on the Formatting Toolbar? Fuck!
INFM 103
Reference Fundamentals
This course teaches the proper strangulation techniques for when you've been asked where the bathroom is for the twentieth time.
MCSP 131
Business Computing
Office 2003! No shit! Yay! Fuck, I'm done.
At least I have my fingernails.
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