Dumb bastards!
It was a good night. I was getting damn drunk at the Works, Battlefords only nightclub.
I was having a good time with my buddy Mel. We had a lot to drink; beer and vodka shots. I was pretty drunk when we left.
I was walking away when two guys wanted to kick my ass. I sauntered away not thinking too much, but Mel wanted to do something. He stared them down and they came after the two of us.
I quickly removed my glasses ready for whatever was going to happen.
I wouldn’t mind fucking someone up. It’s not something I usually do, but this cunt was my size and I was pretty sure I could kick his ass.
The only problem was his five friends. My back up was nowhere to be scene. I got pushed over once before I stated the guy down. He didn’t do anything else.
He was a skinny little cunt that deserved a beating, and if I would have had someone in my corner reader to help me out, I would have done something.
I’m not a fighter at all, but some people deserve a beating and that guy was just trying to impress his friends.
It’s too bad that I didn’t have someone to watch my back because I would have loved to go head-to head with this guy.
Even if I lost it would have been worth it. My glasses were off and I was ready to go. Stupid bastard. I need to get some of my friends here that will back me up instead of starting stuff and just running away.
I’m a little pissed off about the whole thing. Next time they better watch out. I hate not being able to stick up for myself.
I would have taken a beating from one or two guys, but not five or six. That’s not fair.
I’m a little pissed off at Mel right now. He’s twice my size and was half way down the street.
I really wanted to beat the crap out of someone, and I could have. It’s too bad I think a little too much. I knew better than to take all five of them on.
Bastards! Man am I upset.
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