
Alone Again (Naturally)

Guess what! It's the middle of April! Which means that school's pretty much over for the students at the Canadian University College right door to my flat. As a result, my roommates have all left. They really didn't waste their time getting the hell out after their final tests were written, either. I think that incident with the missing bed left a sour taste in all their mouths. But come on! You'd think they'd hang out for a couple of weeks and just chill for a bit! But nooooo... off to bigger and better things they soar! Haven't you heard? Theology students are in high-demand!

You might expect that I now have run of the basement. I do, sort of. Insomuch that a new guy has moved in but I never see him. I've never seen him, to tell the truth. The first I heard of him was a note that the landlord left for the three people leaving telling them to clean up for the new tenant's benefit. The only other mark he's left has been a pair of pristine white Champion tennis shoes that have taken up residence on the doormat.

When I came home last Tuesday I asked N(h)ial* if he had met the new guy yet. N(h)ial then responded, "Oh, new guy? No, I have not! I thought it was a woman at first because those shoes on the mat are so very small." I glanced at the shoes the next morning while I was putting on my own and noticed that the new tenant's shoes were a size 8. So yeah, I guess if you're from N(h)ial's culture, size 8 feet are considered feminine. Hopefully that didn't emasculate any of you. Or masculate, as the case may be.

The last time I managed to hang out with all of the old roommates before they went off to join Captain Planet's Planeteers was last Thursday. One of the previous roommates, who left before I came, was visiting and we gathered around the kitchen table to have a chat. So there we all were, two spitfires from Sudan, a feisty First Nations fellow, a muscular Venezuelan and a rather dopey and dumpy Germanic mixed breed. I guess that's one of the "liberal wet dreams" isn't it? At least, that's a dream they accuse "liberals" of having. You know, where a big group of people of different races hang out together and make with the chitty-chat. Although it wasn't quite as perfect as the model of that dream, where at least half of us would be GBLTQ. And I guess it wouldn't hurt to have some women in there, either.

But all that matters is that in that a group of people with vastly different racial backgrounds got together and made the important decision to have some decaffeinated coffee. And each person got to have sweetener to their likening. Or in my case not have any coffee!

...there was supposed to be a metaphor here, but you know, f**k it. Have a good weekend!

*Not one hundred percent sure about the spelling.