
I'm Looking Over...

An Awkward Conversation Brought On by Cloverfield

Woman: Oh, honey, would you go through all that to try and rescue me, too?
Man: Um… yeah… *runs away*

Hud was my favorite character in the movie. He said a lot of the stuff I’d say in that situation, if I was a more talkative fellow. Of course, people who have seen the movie are thinking, “Well, Hud was kind of idiot, wasn’t he?” Well, folks, you discovered my secret. People always think, “Man, Joel’s pretty smart!”, but if I was chattier, they’d find out that I was a goddamned moron.

On their way out of theatre a group of teenage girls said it was one of the worst movies they’ve ever seen and even said they’d rather go see “Calvin” and the Chipmunks instead. Calvin and the Chipmunks. That’s pretty much the only thing you need to be able to ignore those girls’ opinion, right there.

Oh, and it was so cold in Red Deer last night that the water lines for the fountain pop in the theatre froze.
