
Vox Unpopulari

Guess what, boys and girls? I've decided to undertake the opening of a new blog. Finally! You guys yell out to the heavens. Here's the URL if you just can't wait:


I wonder if Dane will be assed-out at my choice of URL? Ah well.

However, this will be a different kind of blog. I've decided to dip my toes in the river of MEDIA REVIEWING! Except they won't be reviews, necessarily. It'll just be me launching into huge blather-fests about the themes and other elements of the work in question. Very stream-of-consciousness and free association. Besides, I've never made a recommendation that worked out, unfortunately, so there will be precious little of that. Oh, and I'll be exploiting the Question of the Day feature they have over at Vox until it runs out of novelty appeal.

So I'll still be here, of course. I'm a hugely co-dependent blogger. It would just be too weird to have me launch into "reviews" over here. It might piss off Dane or something.
