
Bond Plans a Vacation

As it was or will be for the rest of you, it was only a matter of time until I uploaded my first Youtube video. One of my group projects this term was to make an instructional session. We chose to do ours on travel, and the results can be seen below. Come watch my stunning turn as the new Q!

There originally was an intro sequence where Bond gets chewed out by M and told to take a vacation. However, the audio was out-of-sync with the video in that section and it had to be acted out live in front of the class. I played the part of M and got to break out my atrocious Queen Mum accent. Also, the sections marked Pause are where the video was stopped and a member of the group elaborated further.

If you'd rather watch it on the YouTube site itself, here's a direct link.

So as of this moment, feel proud! You now officially know someone who's made an ass of himself on YouTube.