
Rumble in the Keg Room

It was Monday night at the Keg Room. It’s the usual pub my girlfriend and I visit because there’s usually free pool, that was the case on this evening.
The night was going good. I showed up after a late night in the office putting together my sports pages.
I went to the bar grabbed a Kokanee and headed to the pool table where my pretty lady was humiliating Richard, my co-worker.
The night continued on, and around 11 the two drunk, stoner idiots came in. Their goal was to get drunk and score some weed. The usual.
The one likes comic books, so I get along with him okay. But if you mention anything subject requiring thought don’t expect an intelligent reply.
Anyway, Mike the comic book loving guy was sitting at the bar waiting for a beer. It was now around 1:15 in the morning and two guys started talking with Mike at the bar.
I was still watching the pool table and when I looked back at the bar. Mike was sitting on the ground and the two guys were looking at him.
I thought Mike had just fell over. He was pretty damn drunk.
That wasn’t the case. He’d been thrown to the ground.
One of the two guys then said “this is what you get,” and clocked Mike while he was on the floor.
My girlfriend who has been martial arts training for the last two months has been looking for a reason to try her stuff.
She jumped in and had a headlock on one of the guys.
His girlfriend then grabbed her and took her onto the pool table.
The guy, he was wearing an Etnies sweater, said if she didn’t stay out of it he was going to jump in. That’s when I got up.
I came over and told him he better not try anything.
That’s when I expected to get the crap kicked out of me.
He started cursing and yelling at me. “You want a piece. I’m going to kick your ass.” He droned on and on in that macho lingo only hockey players and people with IQ’s less than 75 know.
I was expecting to take at least one punch, but he didn’t do a thing.
My girlfriend laughed at the girl who took her to the table, which infuriated the other lady.
She threw a few punches but didn’t make contact. She did manage to grab a clump of hair.
Other patrons came and jumped in to stop the scuffle.
Now, I’m supposed to watch my back. I not too worried the guy was drunk and according to the bartender hopped up on crack. It was probably the crack she sold them.
It makes me wonder, why Cheers was suck a happy place with no bar fights. Norm could really kick some butt I bet.