
Fight! Fight! Fight!

The other day I was heading to the mall to see my girlfriend.
I walked through the doors and past an abandoned shopping on my way to the Elephant Ear.
A old man, 65ish, was right behind me. I held the door open for him.
He also noticed the shopping cart and thought he’d take it.
Big mistake. A voice boomed “what are you doing with my cart?”
I turned around and it was another old guy. He looked furious that someone was snagging his cart.
“Oh, I didn’t know,” replied old man number one. He left the cart and continued on his way.
“There’s plenty carts outside. You can’t just take mine,” said old man number two. He walked to his cart and made sure no one else was going to take it on him.
I really believe that number two leaves an empty cart in the middle of a mall just so he can pick fights with people.
I was really hoping to see two old guys just go at it.
I’m not sure what I’d expect to see; some old-school boxing or a bitch slapping contest until one of them falls over or heart fails.
All the wheezing and gasping. I’d back up number one. I think I could kick the crap out of an old frail guy. Not 100 per cent sure but a solid 46 per cent positive.
Who the hell leaves a cart unattended, with no stuff in it and expects it not to get taken?