
Honestly, I can handle the truth

Why can’t people admit to the truth? Is it so hard to say yes or no to a question?
Honestly, I’ve always been a fan of honest people. I’d rather feel bad about someone being brutally truthful with me than finding out they were being nice and lying.
This little outburst comes on behalf of Mark McGwire not actually answering the question about his steroid use.
When asked about major league baseball’s drug problem he said “I don’t want to talk about the past.”
Why the hell couldn’t he say yes or no? It’s not a hard question. Even for a baseball player.
Now everyone believes he was a steroid junkie, much like my sugar fix problem, because he didn’t say no.
The consensus is out and now people think he’s shady, manipulative and cowardly because he couldn’t just tell the truth.
Jose Canseco at least confessed. I’ll give him that.
Jose did you use steroids?
Simple as that. Nothing too hard about it at all.
Now I just have to work on Joel.
Dane: Joel did you get jiggy with Jermey’s mom?
Joel: I don’t want to talk about the past.