

Hey champs, I slept in this morning and had to make up the lost time during my lunch break. And since that's when I write these things, it's going to have to be a short one today. This could be welcome news for some of you.

I catalogue lots of kid's books during my day, and I'm always kind of amused by the child's view of what adulthood is like. I was "cataloguing" a story about this dog who, after having a busy day at work, was chilling beside the fireplace and reading the newspaper. All of a sudden, the doorbell rang. He sprinted to the door, and saw three of his friends standing outside. They shouted at him to come out and play, so he threw on a scarf and cannonballed into a nearby snowdrift. Oh, the laughter that resulted!

It's not like it's a big deal or anything, but seriously, could that ever happen? DOES that ever happen? If you were hanging around inside and three of your adult friends pounded on the door and told you to come make snow angels with them, and there were no kids involved, what would your reaction be? Personally, I'd wonder about what kind of recreational drugs they were doing beforehand.

Strange how such an innocent thing seems so far away.