I got serious for a second, but that was all.
A co-worker had a chance to get one of his pictures published in another paper, but declined because they weren’t willing to pay.
I said he should do it so his pictures would get a little exposure. He would get a photo credit and another 1,000 people would have a chance to see his masterpiece.
I started to wonder what shape the art community would be in if artists only created when they were paid?
How many pictures were painted, sculptures erected, photos taken would there be in the world?
I’ve dished out quite a few pictures just to have people take a look at them. I’m proud of my pictures and like getting them out to as many people as possible.
I guess after a while I’ll get cocky and believe I should be paid for everything that is printed with my name on the bottom corner. The extra income would be nice.
Until then, I’ll just give away my sports photography and hope people enjoy it.
Side note: Dark Water sucks. I haven’t seen movie that boring in a long time. I almost turned the video off, but was waiting for something cool to happen. It never did. Stay away from it. I hope I saved a few people a couple hour of their life.
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