
I use vaaaaseline

The best part of quitting a job is counting down the days until the end.
Let’s see, if today is the eighth and I’m done on the 25th, I have 17 more days to go. That works out to six more editions of the paper.
It was three hours after I gave my notice at work that I received the first call to see if it was true. Word spreads quick around the office. Damn gossip queens.

Friday, May 5
I had a job interview at the University of Saskatchewan. A communications position for the fundraising department. There was a fancy title, but I don’t remember quite what it was.
There was four people, three girls and a guy, sitting around me asking all sorts of questions. I don’t think I got the job, but who knows. Maybe the ladies are just looking for some eye candy around the office. I don’t mind wearing short shorts all year round.

Also on Friday, I bought MLB 2K6. It’s crap. EA sports has a way better baseball game.
Anyone thinking of buying the game, shouldn’t.

I saw the new Flaming Lips video. I bet Joel likes the part with the three fat guys chasing around a guy with burgers taped to his body.
Joel’s idea for a music video was to have a fat guy running chasing a skinny guy.
The Flaming Lips ripped you off.