

Thanks to my investigative journalism, the Pentagon is now aware of the animal threat level. They are implementing programs to stop the attack. Here is some proof. It's the top two paragraphs of an article on the Globe and Mail's website.

Pentagon tests directed-energy weapons
Associated Press

A few months from now, Peter Anthony Schlesinger hopes to zap a laser beam at a couple of chickens or other animals in a cage a few dozen yards away. If all goes as planned, the chickens will be frozen in mid-cluck, their leg and wing muscles paralyzed by an electrical charge created by the beam, even as their heart and lungs function normally.

Among those most interested in the outcome will be officials at the Pentagon, who helped fund Mr. Schlesinger's work and are looking at this type of device to do a lot more than just zap the cluck out of a chicken. Devices like these, known as directed-energy weapons, could be used to fight wars in coming years.

These new ray guns will allow people to harm the animals, but not kill them. We have to crush the attack, but don't want to destroy our food supply.