
Dane's Girl

I'd like to formally announce to the world that Dane has a girlfriend. They've been dating for over a year now. This really shouldn't come as a surprise; after all, he's the studliest guy to ever wield a camera in the entire span of human existence. What, you think a man that chock-full of machismo wouldn't have a girlfriend? Wouldn't spend every waking hour alone? Wouldn't see his dreams drown in cigarette butts and empty bottles of Pepsi? [sniff] Wouldn't be posting his worthless thoughts for the perusal of the uncaring sacks of hatred and gristle who visit his sites out of pity? WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO SEE THROUGH THE STREAMS OF TEARS CASCADING DOWN HIS SALLOW FACE!?

Ahem. *cough*

Anyway, Dane has a girlfriend. And ever since I met her, things have been rather weird. For some odd reason, both of us think that the other doesn't like them. So, I'd like to announce that I don't hate Dane's girlfriend, Famira. Actually, she's really cool! She's awesome! She's funny! In fact, I don't think Dane realizes how lucky he has it. After all, there's nothing better than a girl who does binary conversions in her spare time. For fun, even! Reeeow!