
Steven H. Gilchrist!

As you're most likely aware, I've not been posting on this site for some time now. This was mainly because I was too busy working on the 52nd Post Spectacular for the other site. And hey, if you haven't read it yet, what the hell are you doing here? Go read it. I've received word that people have found it quite funny, and it even has interviews with both Dane AND Steve Smith, our mysterious benefactor. Shameless plug over.

Back to business. I've been away, and I return to the site today to find that Dane has turned himself into an angry, charismatic prophet of some kind; announcing that the animals are quickly going to take over Earth and subject us humans to their iron-willed tyranny. Although I - having an as yet unmatched loathing for all of humankind - would not be upset if those events were to unfold, I must say that Dane really needs to stop smoking peat moss.

Step one of the reconstruction of this site is now complete.