
The big 2-7

Today Joel turns 27.

On the weekend, the two of us met the party capital of Canada: Rocky Mountain House. Well, it became the capital when the two of us crossed the town limits.

We first headed to BPs for a few before heading to Duffers, the hot spot of the night and was it ever hot. HOT! HOT! HOT!

What amazes me is the conversation between the two of us. I don’t know why or really how, but by the end of the evening we’ve discussed who would win in a fight alien, zombie, bat ninjas or a one-arm, down syndrome T-rex. I still believe the ninjas would discover a way to take the dinosaur to the ground and spear it in the eye. You’re so wrong Joel.

I would think someone as old as Joel would talk about something much more intelligent and sophisticated. From me it’s understandable. I am 11 days younger, but the one time I bring up a serious subject Joel brings it back down to an immature level.

Dane: So Joel, who do you think is going to win the next US election? (I thought this question would get a intellectual conversation flowing, but no.)

Joel: I don’t know but the next president could be female.

He rambles on in his lunacy about how the democrats might nominate Hillary Clinton and the republicans, to counter, might put Condoleezza Rice up for prez.

This is where I nod off for a little bit and think about the best plan of action for those ninjas. I’m guessing a crafty trip rope followed by a quick strike from above. If what I learned from Jurassic Park and T-rexes can only see movement, the ninjas could stay really still until it’s time to attack. Then it’d be a flurry of throwing stars and smoke bombs.

I really don’t believe the massive beast would stand a chance.

As for a woman president, I don’t think that stands much of a chance either. Even with all of Joel’s case points, I don’t see it happening. It would be a nice change from what’s going on now though.

Happy birthday Joel!