
The Note

I found one-third of a note on the ground outside my store one day back in May. No idea where the other pieces went, but I guess that's our meagre and regrettable existence for ya, eh? I had the intention of posting it to the blog back then, but as is typical of me I forgot. But as luck would have it, I found the note wedged between the pages of my Chinese textbook. Here are the inspirational words in all of their glory:

...if you want to have an awesome summer i'll give it to ya! haha.

anyways i was thinking and you should breakup with justin b4 its to late because i want you to have SOO MUCH FUN this summer and 4 you to be able to do watever you want not worrying about fuck head!!

he keeps you waiting! and that's...

And so ends our peek into the personal life of a rough-and-tumble oil-rig worker!

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