It's time to go home.
Here I am. I’m sitting at my desk. I’m looking at my computer. It’s a Mac.
There’s the clock. The seconds tick away. The evening draws near. It’s almost time to go home.
I need drink. There’s my glass of pop. I hope it’s still cold. Damn am I thirsty.
I raise the cup to my lips. I can nearly taste the sweet sugar liquid. It’s going to be good.
There’s a bug in my drink. My day has gone to hell. I throw my cup across the office. The janitor can clean it up.
Does this ever suck. The day was great. Something had to piss me off.
The climax of my rage is almost here. I need to hit something. I need to hear something snap.
There’s the wall. It’ll take my wrath. I unleash my fury.
My hand hurts. It’s starting to bleed. The blood trickles down my knuckles. I lick it off.
The rage builds again. Do I hit the wall again? Yes. Damn am I stupid. I better go home.
Have a good weekend everyone!
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