
Welcome to My Nightmare!

Welcome Joel, Dane, Little People:

For a few had weeks i have weaseled and sucked up, hoping beyond hope to conquer...err join another blog. And here I stand on the cusp of victory, for now that i have taken one...only a hundred million left to take. I can feel my power grow as I have growen infinitisemally closer to my goal of Virtual Domination!

Now I will not promise to be nice, kind or witty along the lines of Joel. Nor will I be a perpetually infuriated poster. Instead I will bring a civilized; well, as civilized as one can be living in the hellhole that is Edmonton. I'll bring a sport-centric look to this blog and join in any good times that can be had. However I will not don any gay apparel not partake in any carolling.

So welcome minions, the first corner of an empire and the last blog of your life!