
Election Day

After casting your ballot and before heading out to get totally sloshed while awaiting the results, you might want to check out some [booming voice]Federal Election Trivia!

On another note, I was shocked to see a picture of George W. Bush mixed among pictures of the Canadian party leaders on the front page of the National Post. However, closer inspection revealed that it was actually Paul Martin squinting rather fiercely. This must mean something.

Sick to death of local radio stations and having an acute case of election fever, I've decided to connect to the live feed of CBC over the net. If we had decent reception in the area, I wouldn't have to do tie up the store's phone line doing this. And there's another small problem: election coverage doesn't start until six, and I'm not not planning on disconnecting until well after we close at eleven. But since I don't feel like fielding questions from fat assholes asking if there's tax on our candy, this is no big loss for me.

Dane has posted in the interim but because there was no editor around to correct his mistakes it posted on June 23. Go figure.