In Bloom
Dane should've written something by now, but when he viewed our hit count yesterday he freaked out and is currently huddled under a coffee table and whimpering. I somehow knew it was a bad idea to get Extreme Tracking, but I never foresaw something like this. I guess I better throw something up here while the poor bastard recovers. I've got to quell the demands of our loyal readers (HAH!) before they start rioting in the streets...
But thanks to a bout of creative constipation - an all-too-apt metaphor considering the quality of my work - I'm currently undetermined about which comedic cliché I should abuse next. So in the meantime I'm going to toss up an old Outland cartoon. Trust me, it's a classic.

If you're an ignorant jackass or an avid fan of Nickelback (although those two things aren't mutually exclusive) you need to click on the picture to view the strip at full size.
Also, if you don't know about Outland and its far better predecessor Bloom County, and are interesting in learning more, may I suggest clicking here? And if you're not, may I suggest that you get the hell off of this site? Thank you, folks; and have yourself a wonderful night!
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