
I don't have a secret money making machine people!

I’m not sure what it is about me that gives off the impression that I have money.
Maybe it's the uncut hair, the unwashed car or the fact that I never bring a lunch to work? I guess it could be the slightly dirty clothes from wearing the same pants three times before washing? I just don't know.

I know for sure there's no secret safe hidden behind my copy of the Death of Superman haning on my living room wall, but why do people seem to think there is? I think Joel might be slipping a few false rumors into the drinking water of North Battleford, but anyway....

Today, Brian, a fellow reporter, told me about a photographer selling off all of his digital camera gear. The entire package is only for $7,500.

What an amazing deal!

I don’t get it. I just got out of college five months ago. Usually college grads have a nice student loan to repay.

I moved to a new province at that time. It’s not a cheap task to move long distances and get everything set up. From hook-up fees to damage deposits, to vehicle inspections to health care cards.

Another small tale: earlier this year, during the coldest of cold snaps, my car wouldn’t start.

My boss’ solution was to get a house with a heated garage.

Yeah, like I have the money to buy a house right now. Maybe if I have a little cash left over from paying the rent I have then I’ll start thinking about a house.

Damn, some people are stupid.