
Such a big stink

Weed. It's so easy to get. Why don't they just make it legal and tax it. The government has to be looking for some extra revenue thanks to amount of smokers declining. Here is the perfect chance to make back some of that lost capital.

If weed was legal, Canada would save money on drug busts. We could focus on coke, heroin, meth, acid and all the other nasties in the country.

Canada could become an Amsterdam. I sure it would increase tourism, especially from the States. I believe weed would already be legal if we were not right next to the US. They have a huge influence in what we do.

I don't even smoke weed much. I'm about a once a monther. It's a way to relax and chill with friends. I just think it's less dangerous than a couple drinks and less addicting than cigarettes.

People believe if we legalize marijuana, what's next? Prostitution? Mushrooms?

Let's make weed legal. It'll benefit all of us.